Challenges Ahead in Crisis Management

Tuosheng Zhang (張沱生)
(Director of the Academic Committee of the Grandview Institution )

Let me first talk about the current state of China-U.S. crisis management. 
In August 2022, against the backdrop of a steady deterioration of relations, 
Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, visited Taiwan 
despite China's strong objections. The visit prompted a crisis and led to 
the suspension of all communication. Bilateral relations then became even 
more tense with the balloon incident the following February.Through joint 
efforts in the extremely dangerous situation, high-level contacts gingerly 
resumed in May 2023, as did dialogues in various fields. Among them, the 
resumption of consultations on Asia-Pacific affairs and the first consultation 
on maritime affairs were particularly relevant to the strengthening of crisis 
management. In November, the two country's heads of state met in San Francisco 
and reached common understanding on many topics, including the direction 
needed to further stabilize China-U.S. relations.

Since the beginning of this year, senior officials have had more frequent 
contacts and further dialogues. The first intergovernmental dialogue on 
artificial intelligence was held. For crisis management, the most important 
progress has been the restoration of military-to-military communications 
and exchanges.In just half a year, top military leaders, including defense 
chiefs and department officials had video conversations. The defense work 
meeting and the maritime military security consultation were restarted. And 
China's defense minister and U.S. defense secretary met at the Shangri-La 
Dialogue. In addition, it is reported that the mil-to-mil crisis communication 
working group will also be restored before the end of the year.

Thanks to strengthened crisis management, risks related to aircraft and 
vessel encounters in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea have been decreasing 
since the beginning of this year. In response to Lai Ching-te's provocative 
separatist speech at his inauguration ceremony in Taiwan on May 20, the 
Chinese mainland held a large-scale joint military exercise, but no new 
crisis broke out between China and the United States. Compared with the 
previous two years, the risk of crisis or conflict has decreased.

However, there are still many differences and deficiencies in crisis management 
between China and the United States.First of all, China still has great 
doubts about the U.S. proposal to build guardrails for U.S.-China competition 
and strengthen crisis management. It fears that this will serve as an 
“insurance policy” and give a green light to further American suppressive 
moves.Second, China believes that, unlike the U.S.-Soviet military security 
frictions spreading all over the world during the Cold War, China-U.S. military 
security frictions have all occurred in areas near China. In this case, despite 
the importance of crisis management, the only way to avoid a crisis or conflict 
is for the U.S. to reduce, or cease, its military activities around China 
that are perceived as endangering the latter's national security.

Third, some dialogues that are very important to crisis management have 
not yet resumed ─ for instance, the joint chiefs dialogue and cybersecurity 
dialogue. Or they may be difficult to establish, as with dialogue at the 
theater level or involving strategic stability. In addition, there has been 
no substantive dialogue or communication between the two sides on the Korean 
Peninsula issue in recent years. The China-U.S. arms control and non-proliferation 
consultation, which was restarted last year, was suspended again this year 
because of U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.Fourth, crisis management awareness 
and ability remain unbalanced between China and the United States. This 
also has a negative impact on their crisis management cooperation.

Next, let me talk about the challenges confronting China and the U.S. in 
crisis management.After the end of the Cold War, China and the U.S. have 
faced two major crisis risks: the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan. The former 
stems from long-term hostility of the U.S. and ROK toward the DPRK and the 
resulting nuclear issue, while the latter stems from the pro-independence, 
separatist activities and external interference in Taiwan.Since the start 
of the new century, two other major crisis risks have emerged in the East 
China Sea and South China Sea. The main cause is the American intervention 
in China's disputes over sovereignty and maritime rights and interests with 
Japan and the Philippines, and the military gaming between China and the 
U.S. in the South China Sea.In addition, as the U.S. strengthens its military 
containment and suppression of China, along with rapid high-tech development 
in recent years, the possibility of emergencies or crises between the two 
countries in the air and sea, outer space, cyberspace and artificial intelligence 
has been increasing each passing day. Such a crisis may occur alone, or as 
a part of the above four major crises.It is not difficult to assert that 
of all the crisis risks, the ones on the Korean Peninsula and involving 
Taiwan have higher probability and greatest risk. They are therefore the 
main challenges confronting China and the U.S. in crisis management.

Faced with so many crisis risks, the existing diplomatic and military dialogues,
 military security confidence measures and communication mechanisms are 
obviously insufficient and must be further strengthened and improved. Before 
that, the first thing is to better implement the existing mechanisms.

In addition, China-U.S. crisis management will also face the challenges 
and tests of the U.S. election. In the next few months, the presidential 
candidates will compete to show strength against China. The Biden administration 
may come up with more measures to suppress China, and Congress will probably 
pass a new anti-China bill related to Taiwan. These may again rapidly increase 
crisis risks. In addition, the result of the election in November could 
pose new challenges to crisis management. The attempted assassination of 
Donald Trump may have helped his chances of winning. If he is re-elected, 
it is hard to predict the impact, as there is great uncertainty about his 
foreign policy approach.

Looking forward, the challenges will be long-term and severe. Crisis management 
between China and the U.S. must be continuously strengthened. To this end, 
it will be crucial for the two countries and their armed forces to reach 
the following basic common understandings:

First, crisis management has an indispensable role to play in achieving 
peaceful coexistence, avoiding a cold war and steering clear of a military 
conflict or hot war.Second, affirmative actions are needed both to prevent 
and to manage crises.Third, necessary crisis dialogue and communication 
mechanisms should be established and maintained.Fourth, instead of simply 
copying the U.S.-Soviet model, China and the United States should proceed 
from their respective realities.Fifth, the two sides should cultivate the 
confidence and ability to improve crisis management.war.Second, affirmative 
actions are needed both to prevent and to manage crises.Third, necessary 
crisis dialogue and communication mechanisms should be established and maintained.
Fourth, instead of simply copying the U.S.-Soviet model, China and the United 
States should proceed from their respective realities.Fifth, the two sides 
should cultivate the confidence and ability to improve crisis management.
****** ****** 中美危機管理現狀與挑戰
張沱生 國觀智庫學術委員會主任
2022年8月,在中美关系持续恶化的大背景下,美众院议长佩洛西不顾中方强烈反对 访台,致使中美再次爆发台海危机并造成两国对话、沟通全部中止。次年2月两国关 系因突发气球事件更趋紧张。面对极其危险的形势,在双方共同努力下,自2023年 5月起,中美高层接触逐步恢复,各领域的对话也陆续重启。其中,重启亚太事务磋 商及首次举行海洋事务磋商对双方加强危机管理具有重要意义。同年11月,两国元 首旧金山会晤达成众多共识,为进一步稳定缓和中美关系指明了方向。 2024年以来,中美双方高官接触更加频繁,对话也进一步发展,其中中美人工智能 政府间对话首次举行。而对中美危机管理来说,最重要的进展则是中美两军沟通、 交流的基本恢复。在半年多时间里,双方联参领导人、两国防长及国防部官员先后 进行视频通话,国防部工作会晤、海上军事安全磋商重启,两国防长在香格里拉会 议期间举行了会晤。此外,据报道,中美两军危机沟通工作组机制也将在年底前恢 复。 由于中美危机管理的加强,今年以来,无论是在台海还是在南海,双方舰机相遇时 出现的险情减少。针对赖清德在就职典礼上的分裂挑衅言论,中国大陆举行大规模 联合军事演习进行反制,中美双方未因此爆发新的危机。与前两年相比,中美间发 生危机、冲突的风险有所下降。 然而,当前中美在危机管理上仍然存在不少分歧与不足。主要分歧首先是对美方提 出的要为中美竞争建立护栏、加强危机管理的建议,中方仍有较大疑虑,担心这会 为美国对华打压行动“上保险”“开绿灯”。其次,中方认为,与冷战期间美苏军 事安全摩擦遍布全球不同,中美军事安全摩擦均发生在中国周边地区,在此情况下, 危机管理固然重要,但美方减少以致停止在中国周边地区危害中国国家安全的军事 活动才是避免危机、冲突的根本之道。 至今,一些对中美双方开展危机管理十分重要的对话尚未恢复或难以建立,前者如 联参对话、网络安全对话,后者如战区对话、战略稳定对话。此外,近年来双方在 朝鲜半岛问题上已无任何实质性对话与沟通。去年重启的中美军控与防扩散磋商因 美方坚持对台军售今年再次暂停。另外,中美两国的危机管理意识与危机管理能力 仍不平衡。这对双方开展危机管理合作也有一定的消极影响。 中美加强危机管理势在必行,但仍面临巨大挑战。冷战结束后,中美两国一直面临 着朝鲜半岛与台海两大危机风险,前者源于美韩与朝鲜的长期敌对和由此产生的朝 核问题,后者源于“台独”分裂活动和外部势力的对台干涉。进入新世纪后,中美 之间又增加了东海、南海两大危机风险,其主要导因是美国介入中日、中菲等国间 的主权与海洋权益争端,还有中美在南海的军事博弈。此外,在高科技飞速发展的 形势下,近年来随着美国加强对华军事围堵打压,中美在海空、外太空、网络空间、 人工智能武器等领域发生突发事件或危机的可能性日益上升,这类危机既可能单独 发生,也可能是上述四大危机的组成部分。不难断言,在所有危机风险中,半岛危 机、台海危机发生的概率更高,风险最大,是中美危机管理面临的主要挑战。 面对如此多的危机风险,目前中美双方开展的外交、军事对话和已建立的军事安全 信心措施与沟通机制显然不够,必须进一步加强与完善。而在此之前,首先要使现 有机制得到较好的落实。 此外,中美危机管理还将面临美国大选的挑战与考验。在未来数月里,美国两党总 统候选人将争相对华示强,拜登政府可能采取更多对华打压措施,美国国会也极有 可能通过新的反华涉台法案,这可能使中美间的危机风险再次快速上升。而选举的 结果也可能给中美危机管理带来新的挑战。在发生枪击案后,特朗普胜选的可能性 上升,如果他再次入主白宫,其对外政策、对华政策的巨大不确定性将给中美危机 管理带来怎样的影响,实在难以逆料。 展望未来,中美面临的危机挑战将是长期而严峻的,中美危机管理必须持续加强。 为此,中美两国、两军就加强危机管理达成以下基本共识至关重要: 第一,危机管理对于中美实现和平共处、避免冷战、避免军事冲突与战争具有不可 或缺的重要作用;第二,危机管理必须同时在危机防范与危机控制两方面做出积极 努力;第三,危机管理必须建立与保持必要的危机对话与危机沟通机制;第四,中 美危机管理不能简单照搬美苏模式,应从两国的实际情况出发;第五,双方应有信 心和能力把危机管理做得更好。

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